Thursday, February 7, 2013

Valentines Week - Love Shirt

Love Tshirt

This shirt was my first idea when I decided I was going to do Valentine’s Week.  This diy could be adapted to any occasion and doesn’t just have to be for Valentine’s Day.  Simply change the phrase you are putting on the shirt.  Or even use a picture.  So do you want to make yourself a love shirt?  Then this is what you will need.

Love Tshirt

Fabric Paint
Tracing Paper – I used clover brand from the Spotlight quilting department.
Stencil – print whatever phrase you would like on your shirt on a A4 piece of paper.  I used the font Edwardian Script which comes standard with word for Mac.
Cardboard (not pictured)

Love Tshirt

Place tracing paper colour side down on your tshirt and your stencil on top.  Using your pen (I like to use it without the point popped out) firmly trace over your stencil.  When you lift the stencil and tracing paper you will  be left with a faint outline of your word.

Love Tshirt

Slide your cardboard into your shirt so it is behind your word.  This will stop the paint bleeding through.  Now using your fabric paint simply trace over this outline.  Take it slowly and go section by section.  This will help you to keep your hand steady and your lines even.  Refer to your fabric paint regarding drying time.  Mine said to dry flat for 24 hours.

Love Tshirt

Now your ready to rock your new t-shirt!  It’s as simple as that.  This would be a really good way to revamp old tshirts that you don’t wear anymore as well.  If you are confident with your painting abilities you could do a whole picture on your shirt.  The options are only as limited as your imagination!

1 comment:

  1. Turned out great!! I love your hair and glasses by the way :)


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